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Roll branching chutes, motor

Serie 54

Idencification – VKKM
Type of construction – motor


Roll branching chutes serve to rerouting of material flow in technological branches, where it is necessary to use local electric- or remote electric- control. They are used for powdered and fine granular materials. It is intended for materials with grain size max. 30 mm (It is necessary to respect the clear opening size). These equipments are designed first of all for ground and powdered materials and it is dustproof. Temperature of transported material can be from –30°C to +100°C, at powdered materials, which have humidity max. 1% is allowable temperature within 0 – 100°C. At granular materials with clay content, which have humidity max. 3% is working temperature from 0° to 100°C.


Type range of roll branching chutes VKKM is designed in 8 sizes < 150 x 150 mm up to 650 x 650 mm >, ( s. tablet – project data sheet ).On the basis of technical-business discussion it is possible to order a special type of construction. For operating there are designed for individual sizes suitable geared motors. Supplied roll branching chutes have electric components from prestigious firms. These components are designed by producer, alternatively acc. to order or agreement with customer.


Roll branching chutes are designed for mounting to gravitational chutes. These chutes have square or rectangular cross section and are intended to regulation of material flow into two technological branches. Operating is ensured by means of geared motors with corresponding twist moment. It is ensured an end position-signalling. Outlet flanches form an angle 60° from horizontal plane.

Construction – the body of roll branching chute has welded construction. This construction has an inlet flange and two outlet square flanges. The flow regulation of transported material ensures an inside roll. This roll has clear opening with armoured slide surface. This roll is fixed through journals into self-lubricating sleeves. It is placed on outside chute-covers. Inside roll, journal placing and outside covers have seals, which serve to dustiness prevention.

A special type of construction and special requirements must be consulted
with supplier!!!


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